[protect ADMIN Traveler]








Incorporated with the State of California

June of 1958 as a Non-Profit Corporation








By-Laws amended in:

September 1974

December 1977

September 1980

May 1996

December 1998


This Copy of the By-Laws Incorporates the December 2, 1998 amendments and was first distributed on December 2, 1998 to the general membership of the Triumph Travelers Sports Car Club










Section 1. Name


A.1 The name of this organization shall be the TRIUMPH TRAVELERS SPORTS CAR CLUB.


Section 2. Purpose


A.1The purpose of this corporation shall be to encourage participation in sports car related activities.


Section 3.Emblem


A.1The emblem shall be as set forth on the cover of these By-Laws.






Section 1.Membership Age


A.1All members shall be at least 18 years of age.


Section 2.Membership Classifications


A.1There shall be four types of membership as follows:


1) Active

2) Honorary

3) Complimentary

4) Associated


B.1Active membership shall consist of two classes as defined herewith:

Class 1 - A Triumph Car Owner or his or her spouse/spouse equivalent.


Class 2 - A non Triumph Car Owner and his or her spouse/spouse equivalent.


B.2 Class 2 membership as defined in Article II, Section 2, B1, shall be limited to 33 1/3% of the total active membership.


B.3There shall be a maximum of two active memberships per legally registered vehicle.


C.1Honorary Membership may be extended to any person who has performed and outstanding service to this club.  Honorary members may be nominated at any business meeting by an active club member.


D.1Complimentary Membership shall extend to the spouse, or spouse equivalent, of any active member who does not wish to take an active part in the club, but who wishes to be included in the social activities of the club.


E.1Associated Membership shall extend to any person who does not wish to take an active part in the club but who wishes to be included in the social activities of the club.


Section 3.Membership Rights and Duties


A.1Active Members shall:


1) be required to pay dues.

2) have the right to vote on club business.

3) be eligible to hold club office as defined under Article IV, Section 1.

4) be eligible to be named Chairman of any committee sanctioned by the club.

5) be eligible to serve as a member of any committee sanctioned by the club.


B.1Honorary Members shall:


1) not be required to pay dues.

2) not be eligible to vote on club business.

3) not be eligible to hold club office.

4) not be eligible to serve as Chairman or member of any committee sanctioned by the club.


C.1 Complimentary Members shall:


1) not be required to pay dues.

2) not be eligible to vote on club business

3) not be eligible to hold club office.

4) not be eligible to serve as Chairman or member of any committee sanctioned by the club.


D.1Associated Members shall:


1) be required to pay dues.

2) not be eligible to vote on club business.

3) not be eligible to hold club office.

4) not be eligible to serve as Chairman but may be a member of any committee sanctioned by the club.


Section 4.


A.1No person shall be barred from membership in the club by reason of race, creed, color, or sex.


Section 5.Voting on Membership


A.1 A 2/3 vote of the active members present at a legally constituted business meeting shall be required to elect an active or honorary member to the club.  Voting may be by secret ballot at the discretion of the club President or his duly appointed representative at said meeting.


B.1 No vote is required for election to complimentary membership.  Said membership shall be automatic upon the expressed desire for same by such persons as defined in Article II, Section 2, D.1.


C.1 No vote is required for election to associated membership.  Said membership shall be automatic upon the expressed desire for same by such persons as defined in Article II, Section 2, E.1.


Section 6.Qualifications for Active Membership


A.1 Meet the requirements of Article II, Section 2.


A.2 Participate in a minimum of two club events in addition to initial attendance at a club meeting within a period of 6 months.  These events shall be defined as;  1) a maximum of two business meetings;  2)  participation as a working member of a sponsored club event open to the public; and /or  3) participation in a club social event.


Section 7.Fees and Dues for Membership


A.1 The initiation fee shall be due and payable upon election to the club membership.


A.2 Dues shall be due and payable on January 1 of each calendar year.


B.1 Members who are delinquent in their dues as of March 8 of each calendar year shall be dropped from membership in the club as of that date, forfeiting all rights and privileges.


C.1 The board will recommend changes in the initiation fee and/or dues as appropriate and when needed.  The approval of two-thirds of the active members present at a business meeting shall be required to change the initiation fee or the dues.


Section 8.Resignation and  Reinstatement


A.1 Any active member may resign from the club by letter to the club secretary.  This letter to be read to the membership at the business meeting immediately following receipt of said letter.


B.1 Any active member whose vehicle ownership status changes shall automatically be relegated to the proper class of active membership as defined in Article II, Section 2.


C.1 A past active member wishing reinstatement in the club must meet the same membership qualifications as a new member, including payment of the initiation fee.  The membership qualifications described in Section B 6, A.2 may be waived at the discretion of the general membership.






Section 1.Annual Meetings


A.1 The annual meeting of the members shall be held in January of each year for the installation of the officers, reports of the officers, reports of committees, and such other business as lawfully may come before a meeting. The date of the meeting shall be agreed upon by a vote of the active membership at a business meeting.


Section 2. Business Meetings


A.1 The club shall establish a meeting date to be determined by availability of facilities.


Section 3.Special Meetings


A.1 Special meetings of the membership may be called by the President or by a simple majority of the Board of Directors.  A written or printed notice stating the place, day, hour and agenda of the special meeting shall be mailed postpaid to each member’s address listed in the club records not less than ten days or more than thirty days before such meeting.


Section 4.Quorum


A.1 At all club meetings, 1/3 of the active membership of the club shall constitute a quorum.


Section 5.Actions by Vote


A.1 All actions determined by voting, except amendments to the By-Laws, shall be by a simple majority vote of those active members present.  Each active member shall have one vote. There shall be no absentee ballots or votes by proxy.






Section 1 There shall be elected annually, a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, activities chairperson and publicity director.  Any active member as defined in Article II, Section 2, B.1 shall be eligible for election to the offices of secretary, treasurer, activities chairperson and publicity director.  Class 1 active members as defined in Article II, Section 2, B.1 shall be eligible for election to the office of president and vice president.


Section 2 Election of officers shall be held at the November business meeting, each year.


Section 3 In the case of a vacancy in any of the said offices, an election shall be held to select a person to fill the said vacancy within two meetings and the person or persons so elected shall serve for the remainder of the un-expired term.



Section 4 There shall be a board of seven (7) Directors consisting of the officers presently serving and the president of the past year.  The Board of Directors shall serve for one (1) year until their successors are elected.


Section 5 The Board of Directors may appoint, if they deem it necessary or advisable, assistants to all officers and may designate the duties of each unless they are designated in the By-Laws.


Section 6 The Board of Directors shall meet at least every three months at a time and place designated and agreed to by a majority of same and at such other times and places as the President shall deem necessary.  Notices of all meetings shall be given to the members of the Board of Directors either in writing or by telephone at least 7 days prior to said meeting.  Minutes of each Board of Directors meeting shall be kept by a member attending said meeting designated by the President.  Said minutes shall be read to the club membership at the next business meeting of the club, during the reports of the officers. Four of the seven Directors shall constitute a quorum.


Section 7 The Directors, in the case of all voting, at their discretion, may devise and use a secret ballot form.


Section 8 Recall of Officers


Any elected or appointed officer can be recalled from office for cause - that is, misconduct or neglect of duty - as follows:


A.1 Ten percent (10%) of the active membership can submit a written, signed petition for recall to the club secretary or secretary pro-tempore.


A.2 All active members will receive written notification of such petition at least 28 days before the proposed date.


A.3 After notification per A.2 above. a recall vote will be conducted at the next business meeting.  Secret ballot will be used and the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the active members present will be required to pass such a recall petition.


A.4 Vacancies caused by recall will be filled as per Article IV, Section 3.







Section 1 President


A.1 The President shall preside at all meetings of the members and Directors and shall perform the duties usually pertaining to his/her office.  He/she may call special meetings of the members under the provisions of Article III, Section 3.  He/she shall be the chief executive officer of the club.


Section 2 Vice President

A.1 In the absence of the President, or in the case of his/her death, resignation or inability to act, the duties pertaining to that office shall be performed by the Vice President until the office is filled under the provisions of Article IV, Section 3.  The Vice President shall also administer the duties of the club point system.


Section 3 Secretary


A.1 The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the members and Directors and record all minutes and votes in a book kept for the purpose.  He/she shall keep an up-to-date role of all Club members.  He/she shall give all notices of meetings of the members required by law or these By-Laws and shall perform all duties pertinent to his/her office required by law or by the majority of the Directors.  He/she shall notify new members of their acceptance.  He/she shall have custody of the Club’s records.  In the absence of the Secretary from any of said meetings, a Secretary pro-tempore shall be chosen by the presiding officer.


Section 4 Treasurer


A.1 The Treasurer shall be subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be made by the Directors, and have custody of all moneys, debts, and obligations belonging to the Association.  He/she shall make all payments of the Association debts.  All contracts, checks, drafts, notes or other orders for payment of money shall be signed in the name of the club by the Treasurer.  He/she shall give bond at club expense if required by the Directors.  The Treasurer shall give a report on the financial status of the club at the annual meeting and, if so required, at  any meeting of the Directors, submit his/her books and reports to an auditing committee selected by the Directors.  He/she shall have accessible at any time, a Treasurer’s report, if so desired by the membership.


Section 5 Publicity Director


A.1 The Publicity Director shall be in charge of all Club publicity.


Section 6 Activities Chairperson


A.1 It shall be the duty of the Activities Chairperson to arrange all events for the year.


B.1 The arrangement of prizes and awards in a manner to provide equal treatment for all classes shall be the chairperson’s duty.


Section 7 No officer, director or member shall incur any obligation, debt or other liability on behalf of the club without specific approval of the General Membership.






The President, with the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors shall appoint such committees as he/she may find desirable from time to time and shall outline the duties and responsibilities.  The appointment of members to the committee shall be on a rotational basis. All reports or action taken by a committee must be voted on by a majority of the entire committee.






The fiscal year of the club shall be the calendar year.







Section 1 Ten percent (10%) of the active members may petition the club for a By-Laws change by submitting a written, signed request to the club secretary or secretary pro-tempore.


Section 2 All active members will receive written notification of a By-Laws change petition no later than 28 days before the proposed vote.


Section 3 After notification, per Section 2 above, a By-Laws vote will be conducted at the next business meeting.  Secret ballots will be used and the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the active members present will be required to pass the By-Laws change.







The parliamentary procedures shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order in all cases not covered by the By-Laws.