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Driving Tours and Road Trips
  1. Tours and road trips are a popular Triumph Travelers activity. Typically organized by a volunteer, a tour can be a half day, lunch time, or weekend event. It is a non-competitve event characterized by a caravan through a predetermined route often with stops at interesting points of interest. Members and non-members are welcome and other local British car clubs are frequently invited to participate. Some examples are:
  2. Southbay Backroads Tour
  3. Gold Country Tour
  4. East Bay Tour

  Music Track by Spinal Tappets- Mike Konopka-guitar & vocals; Jim Aldridge - guitar and vocals; Peter Conover-bass and vocals; Dan Swanson-keyboard, drums & vocals; Mark Fisher-harmonica & vocals; Dave Kayson-drums. All band members belong to the Illinois Sports Owners Association and own or have owned Triumphs. Copyright ILSOA  





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